What’s Special about Single Origin Coffee? Is it better than a Blend and is it more Sustainable?

Single Origin Coffee Blog

Single Origin


Special for its unique flavour profiles, traceability, and support for small farmers. Can be more sustainable, depending on the practices of farmers and consumer choices. Personal preference to determine whether it's better than coffee blends.

Have you heard about the increasing popularity of single origin coffee among coffee enthusiasts? If not, it's time to give it a try. This type of coffee is gaining a lot of attention for its varied and unique flavour profiles, aroma, and quality. By opting for single origin coffee, you can have a truly authentic coffee experience as it is made from beans sourced from a single location. So if you want to explore the wild and wonderful world of coffee flavours, it’s time to give single origin coffee a go!

What is Single Origin Coffee?

What is single origin coffee anyway? Single origin coffee refers to coffee beans that have been sourced from a particular geographical area and are not mixed or blended with beans from other locations. They can be derived from a specific region, farm, or even a single estate. If you’re wondering what all the hype is about, there are a few key aspects that make single origin coffee special.

What’s Special about it?

Perhaps the main factor that sets single origins apart is the benefit of being able to detect distinct and unique flavor profiles that are usually more hidden in coffee blends. These particular flavours are characteristic of the specific region’s climate, soil, altitude, and processing methods. For example, single origins tend to have a more fruity and floral taste while blends can taste more chocolatey and nutty. This being said, flavours can vary greatly from one origin to another, opening up a wide range of exciting tasting experiences for coffee lovers to enjoy.

Coffee farmers who supply single origin coffees are more focused on the quality and consistency of their beans, which allows better control over processing methods, storage, and roasting, resulting in a more reliable and refined product. Some single origin beans are taken aside and subjected to a grading process, resulting in specialty beans. During this process, the samples are checked for defects such as sour beans or insect damage, as well as foreign matter. The size of the beans is also assessed in relation to other beans found in the same geographical region. The beans are then graded based on the examination from 1 being the highest to 5 being the lowest in quality. It is these processes of quality control and farming practices that contribute to their higher price point than blends as the quality of flavor is typically more important for single origins.

Is it more Sustainable?

It’s no secret that sustainability in the coffee industry is a rather complex issue that depends on a variety of factors such as the farming practices, transportation, and overall environmental impact. Both single origin and blended coffees can be produced in sustainable or unsustainable ways, depending on the choices made by the producers and consumers. When we buy single origin coffee, we support smaller, family-owned farms and their communities. This promotes fair trade and sustainable agricultural practices. Additionally, we get to know where our coffee comes from, which farm it was grown on, and sometimes even the specific lot or batch. This information is valuable to us coffee consumers as it helps to build a stronger connection between ourselves and the coffee’s origins.

Is it Better than a Blend?

As for whether single origin coffee is better than a blend, the choice comes down to personal preference. Some people enjoy the unique flavors of single origin coffee, while others prefer the complexity coffee blends offer. Blends use beans from different origins to create a specific taste profile, resulting in a more consistent flavor. However, if you want to experience the distinct variations of flavor, then single origin coffee is the way to go. Ultimately, the choice is yours depending on the taste you prefer.

In a nutshell, single origin coffee offers unique flavors, traceability, and support for small farmers which is why it is so special. Its superiority over coffee blends depends on your individual preferences. It can be more sustainable, however, sustainability ultimately relies on the ethical and environmental practices carried out by coffee producers and the choices we make as consumers.

Here at Crema, we offer a select range of exclusive single origin and limited edition coffees, from filter roasts to our monthly single origin which we interchange with a different region each month. We are also proud to have a large range of coffee bean blends with a variety of tasting notes to suit any palate. Unsure whether to try a single origin or a coffee blend? As a general guide, if you drink your coffee with milk you will most likely enjoy a coffee blend over a single origin. However, if you drink your coffee without milk, we would suggest trying one of our single origins as it is easier to detect the complexity of the flavor notes without milk. This is, of course, down to personal preference, we always encourage experimentation with different beans and brewing methods. If you have any questions or wish to learn more, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Our team is very enthusiastic about coffee, and we would be delighted to assist you in discovering the ideal blend or single origin to suit your taste!