Crema Trekkers: Explore Australia Byron Blue Estate Washed

Crema Trekkers Explore Australia Byron Blue Estate Washed


The Byron Blue Australian single origin is grown in Northern New South Wales by producer and long-time coffee professional, Michael Bullivant. He grows and processes numerous coffee varietals including K7, SL34 and Catuai.

K7 is a Bourbon relation known for its resistance to rust and coffee berry disease, and is frequently used in modern breeding programs in Africa. It produces a large bean with good cup quality and high yield in production.

SL34 is used for its exceptional cup quality and high yield in production, though it is higher maintenance than other varietals, being susceptible to rust, coffee berry disease and nematodes. It has a Typica-like genetic background and has adapted well to high altitude environments with plenty of rainfall.

Catuai is a Bourbon related crossbreed between Mundo Novo and Caturra, the result being a compact dwarf coffee plant, made by the Instituto Argonomico (IAC) of Sao Paulo State in Brazil. Its small stature allows it to be planted quite densely and is a highly productive plant.

This Australian Byron Blue Estate Washed single origin coffee is ideal for espresso, primarily long blacks and piccolos, and filter brew methods such as pour over and Chemex.


Tasting Notes: Balanced acidity, soft body with hints of dark chocolate and fruit juice notes, very clean and smooth. Notes of chocolate and cereal in the aroma too.


Australian Coffee Cherries


Byron Blue Estate is grown in the Northern Rivers area of New South Wales in rich, volcanic soil that the area is renowned for. Over 45,000 coffee trees grow on 165 acres that receives over 2000mm of annual rainfall. The altitude and the climate in the area is very similar to that of Hawaii, which creates optimal growing conditions for coffee.

Everything on the farm is done by Mark Bullivant who has overseen the estate from its early days when the land was just a rudimentary airstrip to the amazing plantation it is today. Few can match Mark’s incredible experience in the coffee industry that ranges from over forty years roasting before becoming a grower. To Mark, there is only one criteria – flavour. This means every process and activity on Byron Blue is geared towards producing the best possible coffee.

All the processing is done on the estate with its own specialised harvesting and processing equipment.


NSW Hinterlands Coffee Farm


The washed process relies on every stage of the growing, harvest and fermentation process being right, as the flavour is totally reliant on the bean having absorbed enough nutrients and sugars while growing.

The process begins by de-pulping the coffee cherries and leaving the mucilage intact for fermentation. The fermentation process can take anywhere between 1-4 days, giving the bacteria present in the fermentation tank time to break down the mucilage which is then ‘washed’ off at the end of the fermentation period. Once the mucilage has been removed the coffee is carefully sun-dried.


Coffee Cherries     Mark Bullivant from Byron Blue Estate

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